The Franklin County Historical Society
We are a 501(c3) organization operated five days a week
by volunteers.
Hours 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.
Thursday & Sunday

(540) 483-1890


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recommend calling to be
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Family Research

Family Surnames in Our Hanging Files

An incomplete and growing list of family surnames in our hanging files (allied families included in individual files are not listed) – available for researching by you or us for you. Other family names in loose papers, books, on our shelves and available for research purposes altho' not in a collection. COPIES: individual sheets 25 cents each. Lookups at your request. Research on a donation basis ($20 per hour requested). We do the work, send it to your physical address and ask for a modest donation.

Abshire, Adams, Adkins/Atkins, Adney, Agee, Aker/Akers, Akers-Teel, Albright, Alebaugh, Alexander, Allman, Allen, Altice, Amos, Anderson, Angell, Andrews, Angle, Anthony, Argabright, Armstrong, Arrington, Arthur, Ashe, Ashworth, Austin, Ayers.

Bailey, Baker, Banneker, Barbour, Barnes, Barton, Basham, Beard, Beckett, Becklehammer, Beckner, Belcher, Beheler, Bell, Bernard, Bennett, Berger/Burger, Beverly, Bird, Bishop, Blair/Rush, Bland, Blankenship, Board, Bobbitt, Bohon, Boitnott, Bolen/Bolin/Bolling/Bowling, Bondurant, Boone, Booth, Bousman, Bowen, Bower, Bowles/Boles, Bowman, Boyd, Bradford, Bradley, Bradshaw, Bradwell, Brammer, Bridges,  Bright, Bristow, Brock, Brooks, Brown, Brubaker, Bryant, Buchanan Buck, Buckland, Buckner, Bunyan, Burgess, Burnette/Burnett, Burroughs, Buruss, Burwell, Busbee, Bushnell,  Bussey, Byrd.

Callaway, Campbell, Cannaday, Cantrell, Cardwell, Carmidue, Carter, Cassell, Caylor, Chaffin, Chambers, Chandler, Chaney, Chattin, Chauncey, Childress, Chinnis, Chitwood, Choice, Chowning, Christian, Claiborne, Clapps, Clark, Clarkson, Claytor, Clemens/Clemons/Clements, Clingenpeel, Cobbs, Cochran, Cokendolpher, Cole, Coleman, Conant, Conley, Cook, Cooper, Copeland, Corgin, Corn, Cox, Craig/Craighead, Crawford, Crook, Crowe, Crum, Crump, Culler, Culp, Cundiff, Cunningham, Custer.

Dacon, Dalton, Daniels, Davidson, Davis, Day, Dehart, DeJoin, Delaney/Dulaney, DeLong, Dent, Dewitt, Deyerle, Dickerson/Blaydes, Dillard, Dillon, Dillingham, Divers, Dickenson/Dixon, Dodson, Donahue, Donelson, Doss, Dowdy, Drewry, Duxton/Duckson, Dudley, Duncan, Durham. Eames, Early, Easter, Edwards, Ellis, English, Erickson. Estes.

Falls, Feazell, Ferguson, Finney, Firebaugh, Fishburn, Fisher, Flora, Flowers, Foglesong, Foley, Forbes, Forry, Foster, Franklin, Fralin, France, Frazier, Frith, Fuller, Fulmer, Furrow.

Gadd, Garrett, Garst, Gay, Gearhart, Gibson, Gilbert, Giles, Gill, Gilley, Gillispie/Glaspy, Gilmer, Gilmore, Globman, Godsey, Goggin, Goode, Gordon, Graham-Grimes, Grammer, Gravely, Gray, Greene, Greenway, Greer/Grierson, Griffith, Grimmett, Grindstaff, Grisso, Gilbert, Guilliams, Guthrie.

Haile/Hale/Hayle/Haley, Hairston, Hall, Hambrick, Hancock, Hamilton, Handy, Hannabass, Hapgood, Hare, Harless, Harmon, Harris, Harrison, Harry, Harter, Hartman, Hartwell, Hash, Hatcher, Haynes, Haywood, Heckman, Hendricks, Heptinstall, Helm/Helms, Hiett, Hill, Hinshaw, Hobbs, Hodges, Holland, Holley, Hollandsworth, Hollaway, Hook, Hopkins, Hopper, Housman, Howell, Hubbard, Hudson, Huff, Hughes, Hunt, Hurt, Hutcherson, Hunley/Hundley, Hunsaker, Hunter, Hutts.

Inge, Ingles, Ingram, Innis.

Jackson, Jamerson/Jamison, James, Janey, Jarrell, Jefferson, Jenkins, Jeter, Johnson, Jones, Joplin, Jordan/Jordon. Kasey, Kelley, Kemplin, Kennerlyh, Kennett, Kennon, Kent, King, Kingery, Kinset, Kitterman, Kittinger, Kuntzy/Kinzey/Kinzie/Kinsee.

Lankford, LaPrade, Lavender, Law, Lawson, Layman, Lee, Leftwich, Lemon, LeSeur, Lincoln, Lindsey, Linus, Livesay,  Locher-Lockey, Long-Simpson, Love, Luke, Lumpkin, Lumsden, Luster, Lynch.

McAllister-Brown, McBride, McDaniel(s), McGhee, McGriffins, McGuire, McKinley, McMullen, McNeal, McVey, Mack-Enhimer, Mann, Marcum, Marshall, Matherly, Martin, Mason, Massey, Matthews, Mattox, Mavity, Maxey, Mays, Meador, Meaney, Meeks, Menefee, Miles, Miller, Milliron, Mills, Minnix, Mitchell, Montgomery, Moody, Morgan, Moore, Moorman, Morris, Mountcastle, Mullins/Mullens, Munsey, Murphy, Murray, Muse, Myers.

Naff, Napier, Nash, Nelson, Newbill, Nichols, Nimmo/Nemmo, Nofsinger, Nolen/Nowlin, Nunn.

O'Bryan, Oakes, Odineal, Osborne/Osburn, Overfelt, Overstreeet, Oyler/Oiler, Owens.

Pagan, Patisel, Palmer, Parcell, Parker, Parrott, Pasley, Patton, Paxton, Payne, Peak, Pedigo, Pell, Pendleton, Perdue, Perkins, Peters, Philpott, Pickering, Pigg, Pinckard/Pinkard, Plunkett, Plybon, Poff, Poindexter, Poland, Poole, Poteet, Powell, Prater, Preston, Price, Prillaman, Prunty, Pugh, Puckett, Pyrtle.

Queery, Quinn.

Rakes, Ramsey, Redding, Reed, Renfroe/Rentfroe, Renick, Reynolds, Richards/Richardson, Rierson, Rigney, Ritter, Rives, Roberts, Robertson, Robeson, Roer, Rooks, Ross, Rowlette, Rucker, Rutrough, Ryan.

Salyer, Sample, Salyer, Sanders, Santrock, Saul, Sawyer Scholtz, Scott, Scruggs, Shaon, Shaver/Shaffer, Shay, Shearer, Shelburne, Shelton, Shepherd, Shewman, Shilling, Shively, Short, Sigmon, SimmsSimons/Semmes/Syms, Simpson, Sink, Sisk, Skinnell,Sloan/Slone, Slusher, Smith, Smithers/Smothers, Southall, Southhard, Sower, Spangler, Spencer, Spradlin, Standeford, Stanley, Staples, Starkey, Staton, Stewart, Stinnette, Stone, Stovall, Stover, Stump, Sumvell/Sumrell/Sward,, Sutherland, Swicegood.

Taliaferro, Tate, Taylor, Teel, Tench, Tennis, Terry, Thomas, Thomasson, Thompson, Thornton, Thurman, Toney, Tosh, Totaro, Trail, Trout, Tuck, Tucker, Tudor, Turner, Turpin, Tyree.

Underwood, Ulman.

Van, Via, Vier, Vincent.

Wade/Waid, Wagner, Walker, Waller, Walters, Walton, Ward, Ware, Washburn, Washington, Watkins, Watson, Weaver, Webb, Webster, Weeks,  Welch, Wertz, West,  White,  Whitlock, Whitlow, Wilder, Wilks, Willard, Williams, Williamson, Willis, Wilson, Wimmer, Winesett, Wingfield, Winston, Witcher, Wolf, Wood/Woods, Woodford, Woody, WorleyWhorley, Wray, Wright.



Special Collection

Also available. Surnames in our files courtesy of well-known researcher Billie Redding Lewis who deposited her life-long collection with us.

  • Angle, Atwood.
  • Bagley, Barker, Basham, Basset, Batchelder, Beckwith, Bice, Bill, Blount, Bolling, Bond, Boone, Bray, Brinton, Buell, Bullocks, Burden, Byrnside.
  • Calendar, Cady, Carrow, Caylor, Cannaday, Chapman, Chittenden, Churchill, Clark, Claypool, Cochran, Cocke, Collins, Coon, Cox, Crocker.
  • Davis, Day, Deem, Delano, DeWolf, Dillon, Dodd, Draper.
  • East, Edmondson, Ellenwood, Emerson-Hill, Epperly, Ewing.
  • Farley, Field-Jones, Fleming, Fletcher, Fontaine, Freame, French, Fuller.
  • Garner, Geyer, Gossage, Greer, Griffen.
  • Hale, Harless, Harman, Harry, Haughton, Hill, Hodges, Hoffman, Hollingsworth, Holstein, Holstine, Holstinee, Howard, Howell, Howland, Howse, Huffman, Hughes, Hulins-Bliss, Humphrsoil, Hurd, Hutchinson.
  • Irwin, Irwin-Patterson.
  • Jackson, James, Jarrell, Jones, Jones-Corrs, Joyner, Justice.
  • Kaylor, Kennon, Knox.
  • LaGrand, Lee, LeGrand, Lewis, Linger, Lothrop, Looney, Lumdsen
  • Martin, Mathey, Maupin, Mays, McCormack, McCutheon, McGhee, McKinley, Meadows, Miller, Moore, Morton.
  • Nelson, Nunn.
  • Odom, Obryan.
  • Palmer, Patterson, Pennoyer, Picket, Plantz, Pocahontas, Pratt, Price, Prothro.
  • Rainsford, Randolph, Ratcliffe, Redding, Renfro, Robertson, Robinson, Rowley.
  • Sigmon, Scott, Sheaffe, Shively, Shull/Schell/Schollete, Snodgrass, Smith, Stanley, Staton, Stephens, Stevens, Stone, Strahan, Strong, Sumner, Sumpter.
  • Thomas, Thaxton, Tilly, TraBue, Travilla, Tuttle.
  • Underwood.
  • VanBebber, Vanhook, Venable.
  • Waite, Ward, Weeks/Wickes, Whiteside, Wilcox, Wilkinson, Willey, Williams, Wilson, Wolcott, Worsham, Worthington, Wray.

Family Books Available in the Research Library

Prices are included for convenience. Spiral-bound, most are collections by individual researchers, some are published works copied with permission. Credit is given to those researchers/editors known to us. Although not all books are indexed, these works provide clues and proofs to assist others researching the same families. A partial listing is provided. Please call for more information or to check on recent additions. Shipping and handling discount for multiples. Call for pricing.

  • Allman. John Allman Family ($25 plus $6 s/h)
  • Angle. Peter Angle ($25 plus $6 s/h)
  • Arthur Saga 1923 - 1983 with miscellaneous info including John Arthur Sr. (1770-1835) and descendants of Gideon Turner. Compiled by Claude C. Arthur. $15 plus $5 s/h
  • Blankenship, Descendants of Abraham Abram Blankenship ($20 plus $6 s/h)
  • Bowman, Standeford, Watkins, Hill, Ferguson, Linus - Collection ($20 plus $5 s/h)
  • Bridges Family ($30 plus $6 s/h)
  • Brooks Family ($25 plus $5 s/h). Second offering, a smaller collection $12 plus $4 s/h
  • Cavendar. Ancestry John Edward Cavendar ($20 plus $6 s/h)
  • Eichenburg. Peter Eichenburg ($30 plus $8 s/h)
  • Fisher. Joel Fisher ($25 plus $6 s/h)
  • Flora. Jacob Flora ($35 plus $6 s/h)
  • Greer, Smith, Holland, Perdue, Wingo, Ward – Collection ($20 plus $5 s/h)
  • Hale Family & Others. Roots in Virginia. Spiral bound reprint. ($60 plus $9 s/h) Valuable resource for "old" Franklin County families inc. Taliaferro, Saunders, Hale, more.
  • Hill, Descendants of Swinfield Hill ($12 plus $5 s/h). Unknown Hill ($12 plus $5 /sh). Robert Hill Blockhouse ($12 plus $5 s/h)
  • Holland: "Recollections of a Private" - by William Preston Holland, Co. G. 11th VA Infantry CSA. Transcribed from the original by Linda Nezbeth with detailed notes on the subjects/places mentioned by Pvt. Holland. ($15 plus $6 s/h). Softcover. Humor mixed with stories of war. A must-have for collectors and those interested in the War as well as family researchers.
  • Holland: John Henry Holland Family ($15 plus $4 s/h)
  • Holland: John M. Holland Plantation ($6 plus $3 s/h)
  • Holland: Letters from War ($10 plus $3 s/h)
  • Holland: Miscellaneous No. 1 - collected by Claude Holland ($10 plus $3 s/h)
  • Holland: Miscellaneous No. 2. Collected by Claude Holland ($20 plus $5 s/h)
  • Holland: Rebellion Letters 1800s ($10 plus $4 s/h)
  • Holland: Set of indexes Vol. 1-7 (mailed $13). Detailed index, identifying each entry in each book.
  • Holland: Thomas J. Holland ($18 plus $3 s/h)
  • Holland: Vol. 1 - 125 pages ($30 plus $6 s/h). Collected by Claude Holland, indexed by Martha Young. Index only ($2 mailed).
  • Holland: Vol. 2 - 55 pages. Indexed ($12 plus $4 s/h). Collected by Claude Holland, indexed by Martha Young. Index only ($2 mailed).
  • Holland: Vol. 3 - 140 pages ($32 plus $6 s/h). Collected by Claude Holland, indexed by Martha Young. Index ( $2 mailed).
  • Holland: Vol. 4 ($15 plus $4 s/h). 55 pages Part I, 18 pages Part 2. Collected by Claude Holland, indexed by Martha Young. Index includes description of each entry – index ($2 mailed).
  • Holland: Vol. 5 ($18 plus $5 s/h) 77 pages Part 1; 66 pages Part 2.. Collected by Claude Holland, indexed by Martha Young. Index ($2 mailed).
  • Holland: Vol. 6 - 120 pages ( $20 plus $5 s/h). Collected by Claude Holland.
  • Holland: Vol. 7 ( $25 plus $5 s/h). Collected by Claude Holland.
  • Jamison. Descendants of John Jamison ($20 plus $5 s/h)
  • Jamison. James Jamison ($30 plus $7 s/h)
  • Jones. Aaron Jones ($15 plus $4 s/h)
  • Joyce ($8 plus $3 s/h)
  • Linus, Hill, Bernard Family Letters $12 plus $4 s/h
  • Lumsden Family ($25 plus $5 s/h)
  • Mann Collection Index ($15 spiral bound, $5 stapled sheets - add $2 s/h for sheets/$5 booklet)
  • Mann, Gertrude Mann Collection Vol. 1 ($30 plus $6 s/h); Vol. 2 ($45 plus $7 s/h). Index to either $5 each. New collections of Mrs. Mann's papers donated by her daughter Karen Comet. Letters, research papers, notes. Valuable resource to researchers.
  • McDaniel & Jordan Collection ($15 plus $5 s/h)
  • Menefee through the Generations ($8 plus $3 s/h)
  • Minnix. Charles Minnix Sr. ($50 plus $7 s/h) Scholarly work on the Minnix family. Sources carefully documented including German resources.
  • Nowlan. Descendants of Hugh Donough Nowlan ($15, $5 s/h)
  • Nowlin, John ($15 plus $5 s/h)
  • Nowlin, Rakes, Radford Collection ($8 plus $3 s/h)
  • Perdue. Twigs of the Tree ($12 plus $4 s/h) Research by Maxey Perdue
  • Poff (George) - Furrow (Jacob), Luke-Stone-Waldron Collection ($20 plus $5 s/h)
  • Prillaman. Mason Prillaman Family Collected Research ($15 plus $5 s/h)
  • Pugh. Patrick Morris Pugh ($10 plus $4 s/h)
  • Raney Collection Index ($5 plus $2 s/h)
  • Saunders Family – Dry Fork, Bland, Franklin County ($15 plus $3 s/h)
  • Shaon Family ($20 plus $3 s/h)
  • Sloan ($8 plus $3 s/h)
  • Speery Family ($10 plus $3 s/h)
  • Stone/Parker Family ($10 plus $3 s/h)
  • Tucker. James Andrew Tucker ($6 plus $3 s/h)
  • Walker ($12 plus $3 s/h)
  • Weddle ($12 plus $3 s/h)
  • Willis ($12 plus $4 s/h)
  • Wimmer. Jacob Mark Wimmer ($12 plus $3 s/h)