The Franklin County Historical Society
We are a 501(c3) organization operated five days a week
by volunteers.
Hours 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.
Thursday & Sunday

(540) 483-1890


If you are traveling, we
recommend calling to be
sure we can meet you!



We offer various volunteer opportunities. Needed are "setters" for the research library and "standers" for the museum. (We find that people unfortunately have to be watched when they visit.)

We can use folks who can help as we work on the awesome task of indexing books that come to us with pages and pages of information but no index to allow quick access.

Also needed are people to file materials, visit courthouses and libraries in surrounding areas to copy needed materials, work on various projects including compilation of information for publication, assist with cemetery location - log directions from your car - burial updates - visit cemeteries to catalog new interments.

We can also use people to...

  • search for and/or write grants
  • visit long-time residents and record oral histories
  • archive documents
  • document remembrances of older family members.
  • photograph historic sites in the county

Also Needed

Someone to catalog/update church and family graveyards. We are working on an update of our original cemetery records book. This will be a loose-leaf volume with periodic updates and indexes to be offered as new material is compiled. If you'd like to help with this valuable project, please contact us. We'll point you to a burial ground in your neighbor – or wherever you'd like to work. Also needed are folks who will visit cemeteries using our directions, to be sure we've got it right.

If you have an hour or so, we can find something for you to do.

If you are long distance to our facility and still want to help, we can use your assistance in visiting public libraries and historical societies in your area and in visiting Internet websites to find information and seek sources of information for us.