We are a 501(c3) organization operated five days a week
by volunteers.
Hours 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.
Thursday & Sunday
(540) 483-1890
If you are traveling, we
recommend calling to be
sure we can meet you!
Hello, Everyone. We are happy to let you know that we are continuing our re-opening. Our facility is fully open with the exception of the Research Library. Limited in-person research at this time. Please call if you plan to travel to see us for research only for an update.
Our new Porch Gift Shop - the Bald Knob Room & Coke & Shine Exposition will open daily (temporarily closed on Thursdays rather than previous Wednesdays and we will be closed on Sundays as usual) beginning Jan. 3, 2022. Hours will be 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.
Watch for other times as we work to get the entire museum portion of our facility open for visiting.
We are still offering curbside pickups for those who feel safer transacting business this way. Leave a message for a call back if the phone is not answered when you call us at 540-483-1890. A message can also be sent to fchistorical@yahoo.com
We continue to provide research services - altho' we are a bit behind in filling requests.
We have some new exhibits and enhancements to old ones - and great gifts. Also available are gift certificates - memberships for family friends and you!
We're anxious to see old and new friends! And, frankly, we need your business. Come in and pick up a book - map - or gift item.
We are hard at work on Vol. 3 of our Franklin County VA Cemetery Book. Sadly, we did not make the intended Christmas publication date, however, the work continues and will be completed as quickly as possible. We appreciate everyone's patience as we work harder than we ever dreamed we'd have to in getting this publication ready. Thanks to the many volunteers who are making it happen.
2022 will mark our 54th anniversary! Happy (early) new year to us - and you!
The Franklin County Historical Society was chartered by the Commonwealth of Virginia in 1968 for the purpose of collecting and preserving the history of Franklin County, Virginia. In later years, we added "sharing" to our mission. Our over-riding goal is to present history accurately and fairly.
Huge thanks to our unsung hero(es) at Howl'n Dog Designs in Boones Mill! Not only did this company design our website - and continue to offer support - Howl'n Dog also hosts the website for us (translation: pays the fees). Short commercial: if you need a newsletter, a website or a myriad of other techie type things done - call 'em up.
We offer memberships to the general public to encourage interest in local history. We operate a history museum and research library to provide public access to our collected materials.
Old times are not forgotten in Franklin County, Virginia...let us show you or your group around... A variety of tours, in and out of the Town of Rocky Mount, are offered to groups of all sizes for a minimal per person fee. Lunch is provided, if you wish. This service will be available again as soon as possible.
Our postal mailing address is PO Box 905, Rocky Mount, VA 24151
Contact us by e-mail at fchistorical@yahoo.com